It was a great honour and privilege to be invited to present my latest creation, “The Ripples must be Endless…” in conjunction with the prestigious Italian MUSIWA foundation. The piece was exhibited at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, one of the landmark buildings and most important museums in Florence, a prototype of Renaissance and Baroque architecture. It was a harmonious and eclectic exhibition that included masterworks from around the world.
The quality of the mosaic work on display was truly magnificent, the gallery often falling silent with marvelling people.
Made of gold leaf from Venice, the piece reflects, exalts and radiates light. It is the culmination of a meticulous process spanning over a twelve-month period.
"It has been my quest for the past 12 months to create a piece that would reflect, exalt and radiate light like no other. As for Gold, my fascination with this metal has nothing to do with the element of value or status that is attached to it. It takes me to a place where no other matter can. Often used in art to create a divine dimension, this flamboyant metal reflects an air of timelessness. Here, this is my very personal attempt to portray “the score of the melody sent to us by the Universe”. Space is typically thought of as a quiet place but each galaxy, each planet emits radio waves which once converted by astronomers into audio files, give us melodies roaring from the distant cosmos… formidable melodies connecting with Humanity…
The work will complete its journey at the Villa Paris, the magnificent palace located in Roseto degli Abruzzi from the end of July and up until the end of September 2016.